Emerald Eyes Esoteric

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Emerald Eyes Esoteric

Emerald Eyes Esoteric


Science and Spirituality. Donald Hoffman explains the truth about God, Space Time, Consciousness, and Simulation Universe. This is not some flaky new age or boring science lecture. It will make sense. He explains everything in a very down to Earth manner. First 15 minutes he explains his background in Neuroscience.

We are within the universe, and the universe is within us. God is the consciousness field that seek experience. So God incarnates into all life forms. I wonder then, if the evil ones, are not of God, or have some desire of his to be evil. The problem I have with God is that evil reigns and good people experience injustice. As with the Book of Job, the wicked is often blessed and the righteous forsaken.

Why praise God for Paradise when God fills it with poison? God is at the center of everything. Neutrality is what God deserves. My Soul has experienced heart break and life shattering things that can never be forgiven. I hope the Trauma has etched into my soul, that friends will betray you. Trust no one. Be out for yourself. Cling to money and power. Expect evil. I walked a path of righteousness, morality, and chasing after God, and I found it to be worthless.

Is there really a reward for the righteous or some punishment for the wicked? No one can really know. Even Karma doesn't necessarily make sense. The current rich elite don't seem like souls that deserve it, nor does the current lot of common people really express what is deserved from past lives. Human Civilization simply occurs in the cozy gaps between world ending Catastrophes.

Science is something we invent and misuse to make everyone into work slave robots devoid of fun to satisfy political tyranny. We destroy ourselves and lock humanity down, control every aspect of life. So whether it's nuclear war, or cataclysm, human civilization must always go back to the stone age, with no technology, because God refuses to manage his people.

Does Nature punish evil or bless good? It simply creates a playground and destroys us all from time to time. Even so, To gamble you can be as evil as you want, or as a rich man who obeys Christ and gives away all his wealth to "take up his cross." Both are foolish extremes.

The Child comes for fun and life experiences. I'll probably just be an atheist in my next life. A decent person, neither moral, nor wicked, and my God will be wealth and power. I will not remember these events, but the conclusions imprint my soul. That I was denied of God in seeking the deepest and most reasonable of things, I could not fit in with others, or walking that path made me an outcast. My sorrows are with me forever.

Regardless of punishment or rewards, whatever life becomes, if it isn't a too way street, have no part. I know this is the darkest of times, but it was also the brightest in many ways. Normally, I would be part of a people and a society that is actually worth interacting with instead of being nowhere in life, but I found everything to be unreasonable and wound up completely alone at the end of time...

So as King Solomon concluded, everything is vanity. People are garbage, you can't trust anyone. God isn't worth caring about. So just be out for yourself, be guarded and mindful to deal with others before they stab you in the back, and seek whatever pleasure can be found here that doesn't lead to any great evil or condemnation. This is the way. Neither seek too much Wisdom, Wise Doom, in much wisdom is much sorrow.

You saw sagacious Solomon
You know what came of him
To him, complexities seemed plain
He cursed the hour that gave birth to him
And saw that everything was vain
How great and wise was Solomon
The world, however, didn't wait
But soon observed what followed on
It's wisdom that had brought him to this state
How fortunate the man with none

You saw courageous Caesar next
You know what he became
They deified him in his life
Then had him murdered just the same
And as they raised the fatal knife
How loud he cried "you too my son!"
The world, however, didn't wait
But soon observed what followed on
It's courage that had brought him to that state
How fortunate the man with none

You heard of honest Socrates
The man who never lied
They weren't so grateful as you'd think
Instead the rulers fixed to have him tried
And handed him the poisoned drink
How honest was the people's noble son
The world, however, didn't wait
But soon observed what followed on
It's honesty that brought him to that state
How fortunate the man with none

Here you can see respectable folk
Keeping to God's own laws
So far he hasn't taken heed
You who sit safe and warm indoors
Help to relieve our bitter need
How virtuously we had begun
The world, however, didn't wait
But soon observed what followed on
It's fear of God that brought us to that state
How fortunate the man with none

Sollog predicted Covid in 2004. Then he talks about the Turkey Earthquake in 2023. Forward to 10 minutes to see the USA Pentagram of Blood. Natural Disasters form on the lines of these pentagrams. He is a modern prophet in the style of Nostradamus, a lot of his stuff is pretty good, but he's also a bit sketchy in some regards. Thankfully his prophecy that 99 percent of humanity would die in 2023 didn't come true, which he says is because the Greys shot down the Asteroid so that it wouldn't hit us. Sollog has issues with his heart, he hasn't posted anything since last year and none of his websites work. For a guy who supposedly won a massive legal settlement he doesn't have any funds to maintain them, or maybe he just isn't with us anymore. Sollog was a big deal in 1995 and onwards, but interest in him has steadily declined.

The SUSA Prophecy, Satan USA, predicts Los Angeles and New York will eventually be destroyed by Earthquakes.

There was no Jesus, yes I agree. Jesus was invented by Rome based on many gods and persons, but is really just a placeholder, a fake. Jesus the deity is different from Jesus the man. Combining the two is the root of Zionism, Racism, and White Supremacy. The idea that God was a Jew, or a white man, but not any other race. When you combine Jesus the deity with Jesus the man you get a cartoon character. All the so called miracles of Jesus were bullshit. They were esoteric like feeding the 5000 with 2 fish of Pisces. No Christian does Miracles, not one.

The sea beast 666 suffered a deadly head wound in Psalm 74:14, makes a covenant in Job 41:4, and is given the name Jesus Christ in the flesh of Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:14. He becomes the curse in Galatians 3:13, the only savior in Hosea 13:4, and the Lion Leopard Bear in Hosea 13:7-8 and Revelation 13:7-8, where "All who worship him are erased from the book of life." The word worship negates interpreting the beast as an empire. 666 in the Greek text means Jesus Crucified. This is the real mark of the beast if you wanted to do business in the church age. That doesn't mean there won't be a literal one. Pope Sixtus the third fancied playing the false prophet and went around marking people.

Sometimes it does feel like a simulation, or at least, I think there are a lot of NPC out there. Much like the 61 billion to Ukraine and the 26 billion to Israel, plus 1 more later (27) these NPC leaders seem to be reacting to things I am doing, and I need to stop doing those things, because as Jesus is just a placeholder, he is not the real meaning of the Abyss Beast. It goes back to Marduk slaying Tiamat and creating heaven and earth from her remains. This is the third thunder, 3 QJCX Q Source Jesus Christ on the Cross. Q is letter 17, Revelation 17 is the mystery of the beast. 1+7=8. Jesus is Tiamat, and I have an upload coming that will explore this very thoroughly.

Space is not empty. It is full of quantum fields and electro magnetism. The Casimir effect. Watch the videos on the FEXL channel to learn more. The ancients thought of space as the waters above, hence the abyss, and everything is made from the beast 666, the primordial substance of Tiamat. Everything in the Bible concerning Archangel Michael in Revelation 12, Daniel 12, and the so called new heavens depends on this myth or on reality truly being a simulation. I believe new earth to mean after the 12,000 year pole shift Cataclysm, not this magic Gnostic stuff, like heaven rolling up like a scroll.

Ok yeah put the global palestinian protests on steroids. Thats a great idea. Is it time for full french revolution in America? Kill Biden and all the Politicians or die trying. I don't think these protests are going to remain peaceful. Someone should put Linsday Graham and Eliyahu on a T-shirt with their new favorite Slogan "Nuke the Children"

Why did they send 26 billion to Israel and 61 billion to Ukraine? Do they know what I know? Are they aware of my research? 7 Solar Flares confirm my complete form of the 7 Thunders. 26 honors Yahweh, but does he approve of what Israel is doing? Prophecies from the Bible and SOLLOG the modern Nostradamus. As the dollar falls the way of the Kings of the East is being prepared. I found the 7 Thunders in 2014, only in this year did God reveal it's complete form to me.

Not that Peter Gabriel! Although it is interesting with that name he became the leader singer of a band called Genesis. You can learn more about the Earth Diver Myth from a channel called Cregford.

I can't post links because Youtube hates my channel and took away "advanced features." Over 300 people on Reddit got the same email and there was no rhyme or reason as to why they got it. No one could figure out why youtube does what it does.

I think it had to do with the Brave Browser going down, and I was using their Ad Blocker. It crashed on April 1st, and I can't use Ad blocker anymore.

Nibiru holds the Key to the Gate between Heaven and Earth so that the Gods must wait on him before they can return. Statue of Liberty is Lucifer Mithra Cain Slaying Abel Osiris Jesus. One is either the body of the slayer or the slain. MASH Unveiling the Masks of Cain. Time no longer. The Set Conned coming of Jesus is Nuclear. The Beast will hate the harlot and burn her with fire. "I will meet them as the BEAR." Russia is the Bear. Babylon must surrender Ukraine or DIE.

The Music in this video is COMPLETELY ORIGINAL. You will not find HELICAL SCAN anywhere else except on my channel.

This was made all the way back in 2011-2013. Sometimes I forget things and the trail goes cold, and you can't count on my viewers to be awake and aware about anything. Not even when I got 200,000 views on some key videos did I ever get comments that were actually useful. Very rarely. Alas, those times are gone. In late December 2014 I found out my birthday of May 26, at 5:27 AM was the Egyptian holiday Receiving of Amen Ra, and I found the 7 Thunders codes. These set me on a different path. My first channel, Emerald Gate Ministry, that had 4000 subscribers, got deleted, but I just couldn't stay away.

Throughout 2015, Lucifer's year of light, I set out on a path of self discovery. I wanted to know what my role was, and what it meant to have such a birthday, or to have found such a thing as those language codes that were far too perfect to ignore. I wanted it to be good, I wanted to honor it in some form. I had already escaped Christianity from 2008-2011 when learning about Reincarnation in the Bible and the huge mountain of evidence going around against Apostle Paul.

In the Egyptian Origin of the Revelation, a 663 page book, it is said that Amen RA is the Lamb and Set or SETH is the Beast. In this video, the first 5 minutes are the 50 names of Marduk. It's mainly just Nibiru you would want to read. Then part 2 is all about Sumerian culture and the Multi-Orgasmic Annunaki and Rephaim or Nephilim Kings. Their linage was proven in their ability to have sex 50 times in a row, in front of a congregation. Then part 3 is some deeper Esoteric slides about America, and the identifies of Cain and Abel. It may not be 100% accurate.

There is more explanation of this in the MASH video if I ever get around to bringing it back. There is a lot I dare not put on youtube these days. In fact, my current work is to make just a couple more bible videos, call out the transgression, betrayers, traitors, who got my Garden of Eden video banned due to medical misinformation in the distant dawn of man. These Christians can win any argument against me so they resort to kicking me in the balls. I will announce that I am done with youtube, and then I have about 2 months of Gaming Videos symbolism to release there, and possibly a few more as time goes by, but I'm going to be making a Bible Specific channel with a different name on Rumble. It's already on Odysee but only has one video.

Youtube has gotten rid of so many good channels over the years. LowestRoom, Truthiracy, to name a few, and several others, like Sun of Saturn, no longer make content. I'm the last channel still there trying to keep remnants of their legacy alive. The information exposing Paul of Tarsus was supposed to go viral and the Falling Away should be much stronger, but there are very few who talk about it now, and the Christians never do any genuine research, their fate is to be destroyed for lack of knowledge. Their ignorance will not save them in the Era of 24/7 Internet Access. This time they will inherit the full Wrath of God. My own Father sacrificed himself to Satan to hinder me, that's another story.

Things coincide in an interesting way. As Lord Steven Christ used to say, all things work together. I finally know why George Washington appears in the Nuclear set conned coming of Jesus image. He is standing on 1776, the little book held by the Statue of Liberty, the strong angel. What can I do now? I found what I found, would it help to conceal it? I would be like the lazy servant who was given one talent and hid it in the Earth. So the 7 Thunders are there for all to see. It was not my intention, but I found what I found. One way or another WHO, WEF, UN, must be defeated. If the people won't rise up to save our Food Supply, Babylon must be burned with fire. The leaders will carry that burden.

Video from Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov. China has been collecting the DNA of all other races and ethnicities while making it illegal for other nations to have theirs. The next Pandemic will target specific DNA to make us sick or dead.

Chiron Last does some good work, but he makes stuff up, like plugging in the dead Sun, or the notion that Reincarnation depends on the monetary system. He was never a Freemason, they pay membership fees, so he made that stuff about Chiram Abiff and the sun being dead since the Age of Aries. Phonetic Language Codes are useful, but they are not completely accurate and may lead one astray.

All of Season 1 with edits. 13 Episodes. One of the better ones I've seen.

He that seeks to save his life will lose it. He that would lose his life will find it. Where is your red line drawn? Is it time to summon the Wrath of God on this whole world?

Yes, eating babies is a thing, its called Brephophagy. Rabbi Finkelstein said they put them in McDonalds and Human DNA was found. They are children of their father the Devil, Cain and Seth were the same person.

The black earth luxuriance
Is the food of the mind
In the alchemical lab of nature
Is the true tunnel of Set

The Gods of the earth of mind from the stars
Eat the flesh of Gods and become one of them

There is a secret network of below
Here in the tunnels the flesh of Gods grow

The serpent coil, out of earth
And offer fruits of knowledge
Eat it and become like God
And enter the astral skies

Revive the old sacrament from the days of paganism
That open the third eye and enter astral skies

Falling down stardust into planet pores
Embryo of Godhead is in these spores

Enter dreamtime, the continuum of space
The gate of time is what you can reach
Flesh of the Gods will fertilize the mind
The fruits of Gods is what you will eat

Enter dreamtime, the continuum of space
The gate of time is what you can reach

Flesh of the Gods will fertilize the mind
The fruits of Gods is what you will eat

Cannibal = Cain Slaying and Eating Abel. This story is based on Set and Osiris, and Adams supposed third child is called Seth. Cain and Seth have the same number of descendants and their names are variations of each other. You have Two Enochs for instance, no there was only one Enoch. The fake bloodline is the mark of Cain, a way for him to pass himself off as holy with a new identity.

If I am wrong, then how did the bloodline of Cain survive the flood of Noah, when only Noah and his family were saved? As it is written, the Holy people shall be spoken against. The ten patriarchs or PTAH Archs as I call them, become a code for Jesus Christ later on, who is a repeat of the original sin by way of eating his flesh and blood.

The Original Sin Forbidden Fruit was the eating of Babies, and that's why women were cursed to conceive with pain and sorrow for a long time. The Elohim kicked them out of the Garden after that, and made them into slaves.

Jesus says in the gospel of Thomas "An old man will ask a child of 7 days about the place of life, and that man will live." What interaction could an old man be having with a 7 day old child, other then harvesting of Adrenocrome? Jews are the Synagogue of Satan, and Christians are worthless devil worshiping fools who were tricked into being their slaves.

The Next End of the World is almost here. Evidence for 12,000 year Cataclysm cycle. Our Magnetic Field is nearly gone. Pole Shift is already in progress. We are in what the Mayans called the Sixth Earth. Very few will survive. As in the days of Noah so shall the end be. Consider this:

Garden of Eden, Serpent on tree tempts Adam and Eve to eat it's fruit. Adam lives to like 950, Flood of Noah.
Holy Land of Israel, Jesus on cross tempts Christians to eat his flesh and blood. Has it been 1000 years or 2000?

For most cultures, life began with the flood. The Goddess Tiamat, meaning water everywhere, is slain by Marduk, supreme God of Babylon who becomes RA in Egypt and Yahweh for the Hebrews. Tiamat is Leviathan which was female in the book of Enoch. The Sea Beast leviathan suffers a deadly headwound in Psalm 74:14, and is revived in Galatians 4:14 as the thorn of Satan in the flesh of Apostle Paul, whose "Temptation" you neither rejected nor despised, but received as an angel, as JESUS CHRIST.

Galatians 3:13 Christ became the curse. Hosea 13:4 He is the only savior. Hosea 13:7-8 He is the Lion Leopard Bear and will meet us as the Bear, the Sea Beast Leviathan in Revelation 13:1-8 now altered to include the Lion Leopard Bear. All shall worship him (Jesus) whose names are not written in the book of life. 34 verses in the old testament describe Jehovah as a fire breathing dragon. No Engraven Images, yet Moses makes a Serpent on a Pole, because his God is the dragon, who gives his kingdom to Jesus the Beast.

2000 years of Bible Study, or 1000 if you believe the Isaac Newton Phantom Time Hypothesis, and not one single Priest ever read this chain of scriptures? NO, when they learn that Jesus is really the Beast and Jehovah the dragon, they just worship anyway, and make their flock twice the children of hell. They accept the Lake of Fire. Or perhaps they reject the book of Revelation. If the Revelation were plain instead of veiled in symbols, it would not have made into the Bible, because it's purpose is to create the Falling Away.

The Earth Beast Babylon kicks into play towards the end of these cycles. It's purpose is to current the world and weaken the people, making them mostly unable to survive the cataclysm, so that the Agenda of the Elohim to keep humanity down can be realized. The tower of Babel is mankind's scientific progress. They don't want us to use science to break aging and colonize space. If we can't get a hold on our evil empires, we also don't deserve to do that. The Earth Beast takes over for the Sea Beast, and then we go back to the stone age.

Christians in the next world will start to say that the world was created in 0 AD by Jesus, and he will overlap the Garden of Eden story as mentioned above. Mankind is trapped in the grip of the Sea Beast and the Earth Beast by the Dragon. Who will even survive this next Apocalypse? Probably the rich and powerful in their bunkers.

Here is where the Bible is wrong. Isaiah 24 is a hoax. The so called Day of the Lord, Wrath of the Lamb, is not the wrath of any God due to the world being evil, it's just something that happens every 12,000 years without fail. The evil is that we misuse technology to enslave and create elitist rich pigs. If we used it to create utopia and give people prosperity, then we and our technology would survive the apocalypse and we wouldn't have to keep going back to the stone age.

Far across the water, far across the sea
Magician among the spirits, the next delivery
And the scene is set up by the boy who lost his mind
A certain smell of ether as machines unwind

Universe of distant stars chilling in its failings
With planets spinning deep in space parading all its flavors
We sit and stare into the night and contemplate forever
Slip away into your dreams, conclude that we may never

Out and past the harbour where the sharks dream in the waves
Magician among the spirits is drowning in a cave
As Solomon's my witness, as Gabriel is my guard
Garden of the lovely ones or the devil's back yard

Hand of God has sprinkled jewels inside the velvet ceiling
Filling up our unsure hearts with wonder, awe and feeling
All the eyes are staring down and glitter like small children
Their secrets kept, but lost in thought, looking at what fueled them

Singing about the old times, sepia and faded
Magician among the spirits the past has been invaded
Robert Houdini in the distance, we look up through the water
See the comet's silver trail, see the planets falter

Vastness of science, eternal night shrouded in dark mazes
Runes and tunes and frequencies flowing through their phases
Your air or cover, wind is dead, consequences endless
Speed of light in empty time, no borders to defend us

Walking in the wilderness with my pale sister
Magician among the spirits, I said how much I missed her
Jackson on the slipstream, he's moving all around
Chasing tiny orphans, following the sound, following the sound

Fragile and delirious, cannot understand it
Magician among the spirits, Electra and Miranda
Passed you in a corridor, you were drinking Grenadine
Drinking liquid happiness, your tears could not be seen, tears could not be seen

Violent sun propels its rays to seek out beings breathing
Ancient craft that waltz the maze of metal shells beneath me
And dust that swirls, of reddened clouds, and floats above the surface
Deserted landscape slip away, forgotten secret purpose

Thin film of moisture, condensing on the screen
Magician among the spirits, are you with us, Christine?
Do you really remember the boy I used to be?
With you every single night in February

All this ectoplasm, believe in ghosts
Magician among the spirits, lord of hosts
Here we are tonight, we're speaking to the light
Magician among the spirits, make it alright

911 was a dark ritual. The Twin Towers are the two genders. The Christian agenda is to defeat death itself and make us like the angels.

Gospel of Barnabas sets Record Straight for Christianity. Beast 666 Revealed indisputable. Babylon is destined to fall and Islam to win. Spiritual Victory precedes Physical. How the Sun and Moon are darkened after Tribulation. White Horse Rider recruits his army.

I have gained complete and total victory against Christianity and Judaism. They haven't got a leg left to stand on. Babylon has gone too far, their time is soon to come. Western America enshrined in Dome of the Rock. Eastern America is well, doomed.

The narrator of the Barnabas video says Christ and Messiah mean the same thing, but his name wasn't Jesus Christ, it was Yeshua or YehSes. So moot point.

If you want to deny it was Judas on the cross, then Christians are left with Jesus being 666 and the beast of Revelation, the Leviathan who suffered a deadly headwound in Psalm 74:14, Revived as the Thorn of Satan named Jesus Christ within the flesh of Apostle Paul, Galatians 4:14. If it was Judas on the cross, then calling him 666 and the beast makes perfect sense and we are able to preserve Yeshua as a prophet, like Islam says.

Contradictions between the 7 heavens and 9 heavens is about the 7 Thunders and the 9 Steps of Thor when he defeats the serpent, or the 9 codes. 7 and 9 are the only numbers that produce codes out of the 26 English letters. Who are we to know anyway. The point of rejecting Orthodoxy is to loosen up a bit. We don't have to have dogmatic perfection over every single issue. Even so do not rely too much on Islam, it those who stand alone that enter the marriage supper of the final sacred name PQNQ picnic, that shall be invoked in the consumation of Abraham.

The Virgin Mary is the Queen of Heaven, and the Christ is the logos or the deity. The New Testament says "He is the IMAGE of the Invisible God MANIFESTED to destroy the works of the devil." The whole Virgin Mary farce is about the Esoteric Christ, not the man Yehses or Yeshua. There are many layers!

You have questions, objection..

Christian Blood Moons Super Evangelist John Hagee gets meeting with Congress after one email summons 250 Evangelists to lobby for War and all the Politicians stand to profit. In this age of 247 Internet Ignorance will not save Christians from their destiny in the Lake of Fire.

We are bought and souled on the New York Stock Exchange. Every person secures 6 million for them, including every illegal immigrant that enters America. Trump is picking a dangerous fight with the Central Banks in saying he will deport them.

Gannon fight with SNES LTTP editor, mixed with boss Gannon fight from Wind Waker. Secrets in second part. King of Red Lions turns into Noahs Ark. This High Rule is like Earth 12,000+ years ago. (more below)

Zelda = Tetra = Tetragrammaton = Yahweh = IAH, Princess Ahhotep Egypt 17th Dynasty. IAH is also the ancient Egyptian Moon God of Time.

Gannon is the Nachash which means Serpent, Seducer, Enchanter, or Sorcerer. King of Red Lions, the Lion of Judah, chooses destruction rather then let Gannon rule the world. Gannon backwards is No-Nag, or No Naga. Gannon can also be linked with Saturn / Satan and the Biblical Adam.

This is an old upload from 2013 from my old channel Emerald Emissary or Emerald Gate Ministry which got deleted. Some of the info here is straight up out-dated. The idea of Lemuria as the first version of the sea beast empire and America as the Earth beast empire only has any relevance in the most abstract sense and is not something I would teach now.

The comparison of America to Wind Waker does work, however, and we are on the cusp of the next magnetic pole shift solar micronova cataclysm that happens every 12,000 years, which produces 1000 MPH wind and Tsunami, so another Flood of Noah for sure.

America is not really a country, its a corporation, which is a person. America is Marduk with his 50 names, the 49th of which is Nibiru. Marduk was the supreme God of Babylon. America is like a lamb, Christianity, and speaks like a dragon, it's old name Amaruca means land of the plumed serpent. Finally, the western part of America is on display in the Islamic Dome of the Rock. So an Earth Beast connection is not completely unfounded.

More Zelda Secrets coming soon. Please like and subscribe. This channel is not monetized. I often use third party music to give you guys a better experience.

ONE PIECE Esoteric Secrets in the format of an actual One Piece Episode complete with Opening Song, Recap, and to be Continued.

I would've bet everything I own there would be no rapture, but if I lost that bet there would be no way for me to pay up.

Article by the late great Priest I8UB4UCY. There is an interesting correspondence in Dragon Quest 7, where the town of Loomin was saved by a tamed monster bug, and the future version of that town thinks it was a man and worships him as Messiah.

ONE PIECE Esoteric Secrets in the format of an actual One Piece Episode complete with Opening Song, Recap, and to be Continued.

HUU is the oldest name of God. In season 10, "Missy" confirms his name is HUU. All regenerations for Timelords came from the doctor, the timeless child, the Amen Christ goes into the 12 Houses / 12 Apostles / 12 REgenerations. A perfect comparison.

A revision: ignore what I said about the 15th Doctor having anything to do here with saving Gallifrey, as there is probably nothing to do. I had forgotten the last two episodes of season 9, probably because they are absolute garbage in terms of writing:

The Doctor is trapped in his confession dial where he dies and respawns for billions of years punching his way through a wall of Diamond. Absurd! He does that to refuse confessing knowledge about the Hybrid, which turns out to either just be him, or the stupid Ashildir immortal he created who betrays him. Then Ashildir is there to meet him at the end of the universe. This is also bad writing, because while an alien tech repairs her and gives her a kind of immortality, it would not protect her from stuff like bombs or outright execution, and she is the kind of person that makes a lot of enemies. Unless she traveled into the future somehow.

Although Gallifrey does seem to have only the commanders and a few people left when the Doctor arrives, so maybe there is room for the 15th doctor to do something that leads some of them to a kind of Exodus when revisiting the timeless painting. Mostly I just wanted to discuss the number 15 and make a title that would seem relevant to modern episodes. 15 Could grant time to the timeless pocket universe. 15 is the number of Saturn, God of Time. The O for Operation in the midst of GOD 7 15 4.

Article by Jason, "EyeWarnUB4Eye9U / I8UB4UCY" Music: Emerald Eyes, by PETYR. So from 2017 to 2024 it formed a cross over 7 Salams and 7 Nineveh, the center is over a pyramid and there is 666, and 40 indicating an Exodus. The Sign of Jonah is for you Christians. Ninevah were described as a people who "Don't know their right hand from their left." That's you Christians, who follow the antichrist chief of sinners Saul of Tarsus, and worship the wicked Elohim of the old testament. "Woe onto you who put darkness for light," said the Christ. You don't know good from evil, not one single one of you does! The spirit of John is the Christ swallowed by Leviathan who "became the curse," and the whole thing is just a wake up call for you to repent.

Rev 14:5 "The 144,000 are without guile." 2 Cor 12:16 "being crafty I caught you with guile." If you don't overcome Paul of Tarsus, you're not going to make it. I don't really expect you to know the Bible well enough to where you would question Yahweh and Jesus and find the evil that overlaps them, but Saul of Tarsus, the chief of sinners, and his lies, dispensations, and he does away with the ten commandments, THAT was your test.

The Saints are given into his hands for time, times, until the DIVIDING OF TIME. He fulfills every single tenet of the Antichrist. All who follow Paul get an automatic, "I don't know you," from the Christ, I can promise you that much. Yes, the video was just to troll you. The cover shot doesn't really mean anything.

Nothing is going to happen. You were "taken" in a spiritual sense by the flood from the mouth of the dragon. The first and last verse of the bible, Gen 1:1 and Rev 22:21 each has 17 vowels and 27 consonants. The whole bible is the flood of Noah! It's real life duration is 12,000 years, Earth's Cataclysm cycle, with the last one having sunk Atlantis. Job 38:12 It's the wicked who are to be shaken out!

"The Bible is not about GOD," claims biblical scholar Mauro Biglino and Paul Wallis. The original Hebrew has nothing to do with a spiritual deity. Instead, it goes hand in hand with other ancient stories.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

117 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I make Truth Videos and Decode Symbolism in video games, movies, and TV shows. Esoteric and Occult themes, Mythology, Bible Studies, Unique Perspectives, I discover some things no one in the world has found. Numerology, Tarot, Astrology, Ancient History, Theology, matters of Religion, Gaming, Conspiracy Theories, Current Events. I do not monetize, I do not do this for money.

I also upload other content, like Movies, though I seem to be having issues with anything actually appearing in the search engines for Bitchute. My videos claim to be published, but do not appear in the ALL Tab nor in the search Results even with full title. It is odd that I'm the only person in the world to be having this problem, since literally no one complains about this online.